Rates are stated in euros and INCLUDE: Unlimited mileage, Scooter Insurance, Passenger Insurance, Local Taxes, 22% VAT Tax, Road Assistance, Maps, Homologated helmets, Anti-theft chain, and a Replacement scooter in case of accident or breakdown.

Rates do NOT INCLUDE: Fuel, Deliver/Return Service in places other than our offices in Sorrento, Fines for traffic violations and unpaid tolls.

PAYMENT: Payments can be done by credit card. We currently accept: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINERS CLUB INTERNATIONAL.

RENTAL PERIOD: The rental period starts on the day and at the time the scooter is delivered and finishes on the day and at the time the scooter is returned at our offices. A rental day is a 24-hour time period.


Jolly rents its motorcycles to the terms and conditions set out below:

1) Rental Requirements: a) For motorcycles up to 50cc you need a national driving license (category AM) or an equivalent international driving license. Minimum age 18 (eighteen) years.b)For motorcycles from 51cc to 125cc you need a national driving license (category A1/B) or an equivalent international driving license. Minimum age 18 (eighteen) years. c) For motorcycles greater than 125cc you need a national driving license [category A2/ A(3)] or an equivalent international driving license. Minimum age 18 (eighteen) years.

2) Delivery and Collection Terms. The Customer acknowledges that the motorcycle is delivered  in good overall condition and without defects. The Renter must return the motorcycle in the same condition as it was received with all documents and accessories.The Customer who wants to extend the rental period must contact www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. to get the authorization at least 12 (twelve) hours before the expiration of the rental period. In case  the authorization is not granted and the motorcycle is not returned, the Customer will be charged a penalty of Euro 150,00 (onehundredfifty/00) in addition to the extra fee for not returning the motorcycle on time. www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. reserves the right, at any time at the Customer's expense, to terminate this agreement and to repossess the motorcycle whenever the Customer uses the motorcycle in breach of  law or contract, without prejudice to our right to claim compensation for damages suffered.

3) Conditions of use. The Customer must look after the motorcycle carefully and not allow it to be used: a) to carry fare paying passengers;b) to propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object; c) on uneven roads or ways unfit for circulation; d) in any race, speed test or contest; e) or driven by any person other than the person who signed this Rental Agreement or the person who has been previously authorized by www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. and named in this Agreement; f) whilst the driver is under the influence of alcoholic drinks, hallucinogens, narcotics, barbiturates or any other substance impairing his consciousness or ability to react; g) in violation of any customs, traffic or other regulations, even those regulations which passed after this Rental Agreement was made; h) outside Italy without the www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. authorization and the additional insurance, if requested.

4) Liability Exemption. www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. cannot be held liable for any damage suffered by the Customer or third parties arising from the breach or non-observance of any term of the conditions of use listed in point 3 (three). www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. cannot be held liable for any damage or loss of the Customer's belongings left in the motorcycle or for any inconvenience resulting from delay in delivery, motorcycle breakdown or interruption of services due to acts of God or unforeseeable causes.

5) Joint and Several Liability. Anyone signing this contract on behalf of another person/society shall be jointly and severally liable with that person/society for the obligations towards www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s.

6) Insurance. All motorcycles provided by www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. are covered by: a) Public Liability Insurance towards third parties for damages caused by road   traffic with a single limit of  Euro 10.000.000,00 b) Passenger Liability Insurance. In case of damages covered by the above mentioned insurances, a penalty of Euro 300,00 (threehundred/00) will be charged to the Customer upon receiving the notification of an accident or in the event of claims for damages from third parties. Injuries to the driver of the motorcycle are excluded.

7) Accidents. All accidents occurred to the rented motorcycle must be reported to www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. within 12 (twelve) hours. The Customer must take all the details (name, surname, driver's licence, type and licence plate of the vehicle and insurance policy) of the adverse party and give them to www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. The Customer must not make any admission of liability without having contacted www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. and the Police authorities first. If possible, the Customer must take the details of witnesses. It is essential for the Customer to cooperate with www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. and its insurers in any investigation or legal proceedings.

8) Damages. Punctures and tyre damages are at the Customer's expense. The Customer will pay to www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. a penalty of Euro 900,00 (ninehundred/00) in the event of damages which are not fully compensable by third parties through out of court proceedings. If the amount of the damages is lower than the penalty, the Customer will be refunded the difference. Damages will be quantified on the basis of the manufacturer's price list and the time needed to repair the damage. www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. will not reimburse any repair made by the Customer without prior approval. Any authorized repair must be documented by regular invoice under the name of www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s with its VAT Number/Tax Code which is IT 02823010216

9) Theft. In case of total/partial theft of the motorcycle, the Customer will be charged a penalty of Euro 1.500,00 (onethousandfivehundred/00) The Customer must return to www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. the original motorcycle keys and the Theft Report made by the Customer to the Police Authorities. If the Customer fails to do so, he will be charged the total market value of the rented motorcycle as quantified by Eurotax Giallo at the time of the theft, in addition to the value of the accessories and equipment.

10) Happy Holiday Policy. By paying a supplement of Euro 20,00 (twenty/00) per day, all the penalties in this contract will be reduced by 2/3 (two/thirds)

11) Fines. All fines incurred by the motorcycle during the rental period will be charged to the Customer.

12) Charges. The Customer will pay or reimburse www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. for: a) the time exceeding the agreed time, in addition to the fee stated in the point 2 (two); b) the missing fuel if the motorcycle is returned with less fuel than the amount present at the start of the rental, with an additional charge of Euro 15,00 (fifteen/00) for the refuelling service; c) parking tickets and vehicle towing, when requested by the Customer; d) taxes applied to this contract in case of its necessary registration by www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. e) the costs incurred by www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. for the collecting of due payments from the Customer, expenses for legal assistance included; f) a lump-sum fee of Euro 30,00 (thirty/00) for the costs incurred by www.jollyrent.com s.r.l.s. for the management of fines and tolls the Customer did not pay during the rental period. The Customer who chooses to pay by credit card accepts that all debits are charged to his own account. In particular, in relation to the points 6 (six) and 12 (twelve) letter f), the customer authorises that all debits are charged to his own account until 90 (ninety) days after the end of the rental period.

13) Competent Court. Any dispute arising from the interpretation, performance or termination of this contract will be submitted exclusively to the Court of Torre Annunziata at the Office of the Justice of the Peace in Sorrento, with the exception, accepted by agreement, to any other court, and on which the Customer declares to have been individually negotiated on this article.


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Scooter Rental Request