Pick up directly from your hotel or indicated meeting point and departure for full day guided excursion by coach to the famous archeological sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Full day guided excursion by coach, to the famous archeological sites of Pompei and Herculaneum.
Pompei holds an intense fascionation for visitors today.
Following the eruption of the Volcano Mount Vesuvio in the year 79 AD, Pompei lay buried and forgotton for hundreds of years.
Of the world and the excavations begun in the 18th Century are still being carried out today.
Our guide will take you lowly throught some of the ancient streets of pompei where you can see Baths, Forums and Villas builtby the prosperous Romans in the year 80BC. Marvel at the fabulously preserved Frescos which adorned the walls and floors of the Villas.
When the catastrophe of 79 Ad occured, Herculaneum was buried by a torrent of mud that hardened into a soft tufa ( a kind of course rock) that preserved many of the wooden parts of houses and household objects which can be seen today. A large part of the town is still buried, and certainly many art treasures are still to be found. Return to Sorrento in the afternoon.

Excursion Request

Group excursion to Pompeii and Herculaneum

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